Saturday, 3 March 2018


Jealousy is a weird subject for me to talk about. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm a really jealous person.

The green-eyed monster on my back is rarely directed at specific people. I don't tend to lust over people's shoes or handbags, but more where they are in their lives. As happy as I am with the unique path I've taken, there are times when I yearn for something different.

Take, for instance, the people in my life who have recently gotten married/engaged/pregnant or have just had children. I'm 26 next month, it's to be expected that my peers are settling down, but it still kind of smarts.

I don't want kids, I've always been very adamant about this and I'm a raging commitment-phobe which makes relationships kind of difficult. There's no way I could have the life I have with a family and I'm happy with that, but that doesn't mean I don't get jealous of people that do. But does that mean I don't get jealous of people who have started their families and found the person they want to spend the rest of my life wife? Of course not.

The old saying the grass is always greener is 100% true. I plan my entire life around travel, but there is always someone who'll have gone to more places or spent more time on the road than me. People tell me they're jealous of my moving around a lot, but they have long terms homes they love and close friends that make them want to stay where they are. Someone will always have something you want, and you will always have something they want.

The way I see it, as is my usual way of thinking, is that it's best to be selfish. Take care of what you want, of what you love and what you aspire to, that's the only thing that matters.

But that's a post for another day.


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